Calumny The Coronation of The Virgin by the Holy Death of the Virgin Woman Combing a Child's Hair Kiel Goodingsgrove Moon Rising Over the Sea The Washerwomen The Artist s Wife,jeanne Claes Duyst van Voorhout s Italian Landscape with Draughtsman Gypsies Prince George Augustus of Mecklenburg-St Sacaton Jean-Franc Millet Recreation by our Gallery La Vache echappee Macon Early Lovers London. The Deposition Chief Justice John Jay The Willow The Dance Class Game Still-Life with Statue of Diana The Needlewoman Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia Design The Game of Bones art art instruction Raising of Lazarus hjf View of the apsidal chapel fh Fresh Air Hiddenvalley Brisbane La Colline des Pauvres Details of The Standard-earer -33- Detail from Christ Carring the Cross Alone Tavern with May Tree -detail- af