The Lamentation_2 Nymphs at the Fountain of Love Eisenerz The Still life having some oranges The Salmon The Virgin - Child with a Dove A Decorator of China Details of The Three Stages of Life,with The Meeting -Bonjour, Monsieur Courbet- The Peasant Family John the Baptist in the Wilderness Johann kupetzky Mona Lisa Joseph with the christ child in His Arms Madonna and Child with the Infant St Joh Nativity View of Lake Sortedam camille corot Rene-Hilaire De Gas An Excavation sf The Woman of spanish had on a shawl red Portrait of Martin van Nieuwenhove Medaryville A Lady Reading a Letter eart moulding curtain monet shower style native painter Photographie d-apres le tableau,Le repos Ellettsville Telford Frans Post sf Ophelia Jeune fille arabe Portant le pain -32- Osmington Bay Interior of the Cathedral at Antwerp A Peasant at the farm Green Wheat Fields -nn04- Graysville The General Post Office One Minute to Si The Nativity