Paul Cezanne La Mere Gregoire Bazille, Frederic Figure Leopold I, King of the Belgians Menlo Portrait of Smeralda Brandini BORSSUM, Anthonie van Madonna del Rosario -detail- dsf Dog Guarding Game Near a Rosebush -05- Factories Seen from a Hillside in Moonli Paysage avec Paris et Oenone,dit Le gue Pendergrass Dream Flowers Landscape with Waterfall Yreka The Entombment of Christ -01- Miss Yiri Apollo and Daphne Leon Indenbaum -39- Coastal View with Tower The Letter of Introduction -nn03- View of Part of Ludlow Castle in Shropsh Parnassus or Apollo and the Muses Spring The Baptism of Christ -08- Elijah and khizr as mirror images,near t Pubertat The Way hear it is the way we sing it Duet ar Maunie HOLBEIN, Hans the Elder The Little Tower of Babel The Lamentation of Christ -05- Madonna and Child Enthroned Surround The Comtesse d'Haussonville Farinata degli Uberti -08- form limit stretched their Virgin and Child