Mulberry The Poet Gallus Dreaming -23- Corning Thomas Young Seymour Helena Fourment with Two of ber Cbildren Old Poorhouse Woman with a Glass Bottle Menlopark Rockisland Pieta -nn04- Baptism of Christ in the Jordan Marquis de Pastoret The Frick Collection The Reading Lesson supplies Interior with a Peasant Family sg Sunny Garden Corner in Neukastel -nn02- The Guide -44- Gian Lodovico Madruzzo ag Kwethluk Unconscious Rivals Self-Portrait Vista Max Slevogt The Incredulity of Thomas -05- REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple The Immaculate Conception Kirkcaldy The banks of the Viosne at Osny Moundstation Still Life with Flowers 2 Claude Monet Painting in a Wood The portrait of Isabella in front of bir Bridal Veil Falls, Yosemite Still life botrtle and knife art fine marketing Flora er The Angels of the Night friendly Dania