Graz La Princesse de Bengale Ballet Dancer -35- Homedale Repose Society in Top Hats -19- Young Man with an Apple The madonna and child with saint lucy Portrait of a Young Woman 02 The Santa Trinita Madonna Apostle Paul Preaching on the Ruins af Details of St John beids farewell to his Sir David Wilkie Wicklow La Demoiselle D-Honneur -The Bridesmaid- effigy holden The Resurrection of Lazarus Bridges Across the Seine at Asnieres La Mere Laborieuse -The Diligent Mother- York animal track Peoples Republic Of China Cat in Red Necklace Central Pope Paul III with his Nephews Alessandr Antonia -39- Angel lyiu Tribute to Caesar Challenge-brownsville Veduta del Palazzo Ducale Church Princess Charlotte of Belgium Girodet-Trioson, Anne-Louis Englewood Room in a Dutch House g Rose of Sharon- Gera Judith Beheading Holofernes -detail- sdg Moonlight,Wolf -43- The Abduction of Rebecca Les trs riches heures du Duc de Berry- O