Shepherdess or Woman Knitting Beheading of St John the Baptist agf Blackrock general nature scenery Charles Vat Muhlberg -df01- Lanett Oak and Dryads -19- Herdsmen in a Mountainous Landscape Fruit and Vegetable Seller Ships at Sea Favor Johann heinrich roos The Madness of Dona juana Coronation of the Virgin fg Madonna and Child with St.Anthony of Pad Evening in the Harbor The Seven Acts of Mercy dh Louisville The Baptism of St.Acacius and Company St Glorification of the Rule of Urban VIII Matteo Di Giovanni Triptych Wall painting from Herculaneum showing i Breton Peasants bridgette monet Adam Pynacker Details of The Virgin of Chancellor Roli The Green Vineyard -nn04- Farmington Seated Pink Nude -35- The Judgment of Paris Portrait of Derich Born af Perino Del Vaga Leopold Levert Whirlwind of Lovers John Greenwood Moses and the Israelites Crossing the Re Roman Carts The Flaying of Marsyas Sunset at Sea -nn02-