Maria Guerrero Self Portrait at Saint Remy Leadhill The Artist-s Studio -05 Kuna The Carondelet Diptych Jean Carondelet - Scenes from the Life of the Virgin Calumetpark God Creates Earth,from the Petite Bible framed picture Interior of an Algerian House,Biskra -32 The Queen-s Garden Party at Buckingham P Madonna and Child with Saints ff St Christopher -08- Joachim Takes Refuge in the Wilderness Concow The Sleeping Spinner Virgin with Child fh Adoration of the Child with Saints gfg Madonna del Magnificat Vertreibung joachims aus dem Tempel Dalton Christ before the High Priest sg George III -25 View on Schoharie Farmhouses in a Wheat Field near Arles - The Red Buoy Krimmel John The Bridge at Nantes Dining Room in the Couniry Charles I -25- The Battle of the Milvian Bridge,from Th Bathers Losgatos Haarlemer Meer dg The New Market Square in Dresden Seen fr Napoleon auf dem Schlachtfeld von Preu-s The Rondest house at L-Hermitage La mais Selbstbildnis mit Isabella Brant in der Le Divertissement du marabout huile sur