Adam and Eve after Expulsion from Eden - The Doge Barbarigo, St John and Musician Portrait of the Uzbek emir Shaybani Khan The Guide -44- Venus at her Mirror Raphael St Cosmas and St Damian dfg Lushnje Judith and Holofernes sg Interior of a Church essay landscape landscape luminous maste Still Life with Stag Beetle Holy Family with Two Donors Tarragona Elportal Charles Mouton the Lutanist -05- William Quiller Orchardson,Master Baby - Crothersville Chateau de Medan San Ambrogio Altarpiece Cornelia Moscow Yard -nn02- Stories of Joseph ss Pittsboro The Emperor-s Toll set The Madonna and child with saint dominic Peasant Woman Sitting in the Grass Divina Tragedia Itzcuintli Dog with me Shields,on the River Natoire, Charles Joseph James Madison Salecity The Temle of Janus Still Life 010 Sylvania Largo Woman with Coffee Pot Quietness Self-Portrait with Raised Arms,Back View