Still-Life int Barbary Pirate with a Bow Still Life 5 Virgin Enthroned with Angels dfg The Church at Auvers-sur-Oise -09- Torcy Allegory home picture frame Self-Portrait Very Angry claude monet picture The Walk to Emmaus Sandpoint Penelope and thte Suitor -41- Portalice Princess Elizabeth Esperovna Belosselsky House by the Sea Willem Claesz Heda Victor C.Anderson Toluca Details of Sir thomas more Antonio del Pollaiolo Hercules and Antae Mariestad Lillian Duke of Lerma A dervish begs to be admitted in the mos creature fairy find in name only tale Venus at her Toilet Fowling in the Marshes,from the Tomb of Dancer Sitting on a Table -35- Metamora Gardena A View of Het Sterckshof near Antwerp r Sleeping Woman Shipwreck on a Beach af Still life of a garland of flowers surro The Vale of Ashburnham The Sower -nn04- Resurrected Christ with Saints Applewood