Portrait of the Writer Fyodor Dostoyevsk Stalije Doua Antonia de Ipeuarrieta y Galds and St Catherine of Alexandria fdf Loo, Jacob van The Lake of Lucerne,Mont Pilatus in the Female Gymnasts Littlerock Boys - Kitten King and hermit St.Catherine Lute Player5 Jerome in the Desert -05- oil lamp reproduction Esther before Ahasuerus The Stranger -43- The Raising of Lazarus Pontevedra Diana and her Companions The Synagoge jrt Corpus Christi Day Crucifix dfg Calvary Triptych -detail- Sketch for Paradise in the Sala del Magg Lakeplacid Unalakleet nipple piercing stretched Birch Harnosand Higgston Three Ages of the Woman and the Death rt Notre-Dame Metropolis Sulking Struggle Between Woman and a Centaur The Doctor-s vistit I Lock my Door upon Myself St Elisabeth, St Margaret and Henry of H Normanpark Edwin Long,An Egyptian Feast -23-