Altarpiece of the Rose Garlands Holyoke The Golden Gate Viewed from San Francisc Portrait of Jo A Farm Bacchus and Ariadne A young Man with a eathered cap and a go Geneva Crescentcitynort The Girl On the Cross The Apotheosis of St Benedic Village Scene ar Aluksne Montrose Medusa metal photo A Young Woman Seated at a Virginal The Arm -35- Monterey Buellton Several Window A hurried bite and a swig from the bottl Ophelia Establishment of the Manger at Greccio black mirror Homage to Delacroix Dreeden The Birth of Venus -39- Pleasure Boat,Argenteuil -san31- Cheetah and Stag with two indians Evangelist Johannes The man portrait Branson almond new oil painting york Farinata degli Uberti St Jerome and St John the Baptist Mona Lisa -45- Christ in the House of Mary and Martha d Pawtucket Delannoy jules Charles