St. Francis Yellow Roses The Fem holding parasol Winebottle and kettle of tile Mountains at Saint-Remy with Dark Cottag Dancers Climbing a Stair The Great Day of His Wirath -nn03- Greenleaf View of Amsterdam -detail- h Details of St.Francis in the desert Figure Portrait of a Gentleman The Sonnet Fountainhills The Martyrdom of St Ursula f Portrait of a Standing Woman af The Sense of Hearing -detail- d Henry Bacon Parable of the Good Samaritan dfgj city scenes The Martyrdom of St John the Evangelisth Man with a hoe Hoover-s Birthplace Valley of the Yosemite Margrave Winner of the st Leger Bridge near Mount Grimsel Remembrance of Barricades in June 1848 Zacarias Gonzalez Velazquez The Temptation of St.Anthony Sankt Polten Sermon on the Mount and Healing of the L Diamondbar The Battle of Alexander Musical Company art dealer fine fine The Burial of Count Orgaz art fine gallery joel Details of The Demon cast down Paul-Elie Dubois