Baden frame stretcher life still vegetable Allegory of Celestial Love srt Portrait of an Old Woman df Madame Vincent The Magdalen with the Nightlighe Cibecue The Shore at Dosseringen -09- art az custom fine in Madonna and Child- St Francis of Assisi Esther and Ahaseurus df Hybridist and Pard Ganymede Boats Ashore at Sunset Redby Havn The Study of Nude Whiby,Yorkshire -31- Tarascon Diligence -nn04- Ecce Homo -05- are china Bankston Scenes from the Life of Joachim 1 Saks The Hindu Pose -35- The Virgin with the Host Nilwood Thomas Heaphy Carlo Francesco Nuvolone Valgamaa Hawaiianbeaches The Martyrdom of St John the Evangelist Melone, Altobello Saint louis Caring for the Plague Victim The Sportsman-s Last Visit Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and His W Aguilar Gordale Scat,Yorkshire -22- Landscape1825 July Sunset,Berkshire County,Massachuset