Oulu Wilhelm Schubert van Ehrenberg Moses-s Journey into Egypt a Gorham The Trininty with Saints El Alma de la Virgen Portrait of a Woman -33- St.John the Baptist Leaving the Tavern A young woman playing a harpsichord to a Sipkovica Spring Madonna and Child in Glory with Cherubim The Lute Player ghjgy Portrait of Lucrezia Pucci Panciatichi HERREYNS, Willem Early Meadow Landscape -42- Musicale The Novel Reader -19- Winter Harbor Stefano Pieri Card Players The Last Judgement -detail- hu Seated Nude -39- Blind Man-s Buff -08- Dixon framed picture The Tree sex male Tuzla St.Francis Szczecin Pointbaker Sheaf of Grain -34- Joseph being Sold to Potiphar Details of A Philosopher giving a Lectur Bathers The Vision to the Boy Bartholomew Christ Delivering the Keys to St.Peter Madonna of the Eucharist