Thirdlake The Singing Lesson Los Angeles Madeleine au Bois d-Amour -19- art erotica fine sex Adam Elsheimer An old hulk -47- Frederick Friesek Bettendorf frame tent Portrait of a Young Man cc VINCKBOONS, David Monument of Francesco Foscari fgd Mercury and Paris Portrait of a young woman seated -33- click icon this Guimaraes The Rider on the Black Horse -37- Waynesville Reclining Nude The Scene Painter, Troels Lund Cady Emma Jane Millville Mountains at Saint-Remy with Dark Cottag A Secret Liaison Arched Window with a View Lakebutler Paternal Admonition h Portrait of a Young Woman-p Interno della rotonda di Ranelagh -Londr The Executioner Presents John the Bapist Portrait of a Man _5 A Pork-Butcher-s Shop Seen from a Window St Cecilia and her Fiance sdf Camp at Lake O-Hara -18- Pisan Girl with Basket of Oranges and Le Bielefeld The Stages of Life -09- Undergrowth -nn04- Henry de Groux