Charles I at his Trial -25- View of Genoa Building the Great Mosque of Samarkand The Art of Painting -detail- est Morton Schamberg Mountainmesa Luncheon of the Boating Party Archibald M Willard St Augustione in his Study -36- Allegory of Summer The Cascades,Tivoli -05- Crossing the Red Sea -17- Deposition Diptych The Fortuneteller -detail- aer Maumelle The Railway Station Blackhawk Peter Paul and Pbilip Rubeens with their Wild Flowers and Thistles in a Vase Landscape with troopers and soldiers ben gogh painter portrait van vincent Willits Lute Player f The Rehearsal -nn03- Mercury and Paris The Martyrdom of St Stephen -08- Madonna and Child Enthroned with SS.Bart Madonna with the Child dfh Le Mans Clarendonhills The Promised Land-The Grayson Family Surprised by the Storm Crucifixion ew56 Adertising illustration for ivory Soap Raftsmen Playing Cards Two Lady friend Battleground Broadview-pompanopark Joseph being Sold to Potiphar Pervenches -40-