Italian Comedians21 Madonna with Saints and Members of the P The Adoration of the Magi aa Details of Bestatigung der Ordensregel d Coronation of the Virgin The Seine at the Pont d-lena,Snowy Weath Mistress and maid Education is Everything San Fernando Valley art of war The White Horse -06- pvc moulding Femme piquant une tete dans i eau Tossa de Mar The Girl in front of Rug The Fair at Poggio a Caiano The Old Post Office Cohoon Hannah Moonlit River Old Curios CIGNANI, Carlo Kinmundy Langnau William Henry Pyne flight simulator scenery Parkano Andrea Boscoli Portrait of a Young Woman Lakepurdy Samson and Delilah sf BRAY, Salomon de St Francis Supported by an Angel sdgh John Frederick Herring Pisan Girl with Basket of Oranges and Le Maud Abrantes -39- Gerard Dou Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria Self-Portrait with Monkey Annunciation 77 Joseph-s Dream