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The Selling of Joseph into Slavery friends icon Self-Portrait Buffoon Barbarroja nhg Esto The Bower Meadow -28- Anna Zoborowska -39- Portrait of a Man The Empress Theodora and Her Court Autumn Landscape with Four Trees -nn04- The Emigrants Green Ears of Wheat -nn04- Inthe St Cloud Park Phoenixlake-cedarridge Peter Sheaf Newell Pierre Quthe -05- The Annunciation -05- Hauser The Other Room Endymion Porter Peasant Dance By the Treasury animal lover Stredoslovensky The Bard Adolf Fenyes art materials Sir Galahad at the Ruined Chapel -28- Fete in a Wood Riverain tree and view Indiansprings Mechanism element Carousing Couple -08- The Beach at Guernsey Wroclaw Berruguette, Alonso Nisbet Elizabeth Allen Marquand -Mrs.Henry G.Ma Old Woman Watering Flowers sd The Virgin Reading