The Orchestra of the Opera A. B. Kurakin framed scripture Amor and Psyche The Woman Taken in Adultery View of Point-du-Jour.Sunset Portrait of the Postman Joseph Roulin -n Cimon and Iphigenia winter scenery Duneacres Still Life with Calf-s Leg The Road to Louveciennes Saint-Nazaire The Lady of Shalott Christ on the Mount of Olives Madame Elie Malle Babbe sf F.Sydney muschamp Anna Lea Merritt Prince Faridun shotts an arrow at a gaze Still Life with Quinces Joseph and Potiphar-s Wife Jacobus Vrel Pieta BRAY, Jan de Firth animal farm Crucifixion Portrait of the Chinchon jbl creature 2 The Education of the Virgin Diana and Endymion Bethany Ariadne and Bacchus on Naxos -17- View of Old London Bridge as it was in 1 War Grena Susanna and the Elders Santi Giovanni e Paolo and the Scuola di Gian Battista Viola