Newlenox View of a Port with the Capitol -05- Aesop -df01- The Approaching Storm -37- Jean antoine Watteau Saints Domitilla,Nereus and Achilleus -0 The Church of Trinita dei Monti in Rome Charteroak Head Studies of Three French Magistrates Mary Cassatt The Adoration of the magi John glover Aviston Lakeviewestates Piazza San Marco- Looking South-East Madonna and Child with Sts Matthew and N Rough Sea Pilgrimage to Cythera Banjor and cup Kozeri Deary Portrait of Leo Tolstoy Landscape with Shepherds and Sheep gftry Gypsy Girl -05- Female bather photorealism Andre Derain Prints Penryn Sanandreas what are Resurrected Christ with Saints Plate of Plums with Jasmine and Nuts The Oriental Shop Impression -nn02- Artist and his family van gogh ear Williamsburg hardwood frames Redbluff John James Audubon