St.Michael The Blessed Bread John Coats Browne Wings of a Triptych sh Sunset Fires Behind the Bar -46- Harvard University Art Museums Le chevrier de Genzano -11- Dateland Jan Stobbaerts Frans van Mieris -30- The Parsonage Garden at Nuenen in the Sn A Woman and her Maid in a Coutyard -08- Merry Company -detail- Mellerud Jacopo Bassano Halt of the Wise Men Family and Court of Ludovico Gonzaga Apollo and Marsyas Chalons-sur-Marne The Cashmere Shawl -18- Lakepurdy Birth of the Virgin dfgf Portrait of Gian Lorenzo Bernini g Hush ! Duneacres Henry Burn Northriverside Sleeping Christ with Zacharias - John th The Coronation of Alexander From Histoir Claremont Music Hall Amor and Psyche Miss Martha Carr Robert Henri Chenega California landscape Finding of Moses dfgh Alfred Inciting the Saxons to Encounter Hometown