Timberpines Chinese Cup with Figs,Cherries and Goldf Barn at Cherington, Philosopher in Meditaton The Moorish Dance Still life with Basket of Apples -nn04- Emperor Charles V at Mhlberg ar Datails of Musical Company -33- Ange Karabuk A Golden Chestnut Racehorse by a Rock Fo St Catherine ag The Conspiration of the Bataves animal rescue El Dorado Arhus At Mouquin-s The Vision of St Jerome Jan Van Kessel Lord Aldeburgh Reviewing Troops Grandola Johann Jakob Ulrich The Castel Sant Angelo from the South Girodet-Trioson, Anne-Louis photo reproduction restoration The Little Girl from Nice The Glorification of the Cross -08- Double portrait of the Shipbuilder fan r Rubens Peale with a Geranium The Great Day of His Wrath Seda Stained-Glass Window Fra Beato The Papal Palace, Avignon hide stretcher Madonna and Child with Angels playing Mu Charity Tokat The Coronation of the Doge on the Stairc The Kiss