Still life with Vegetables and Fruit -nn The Canigiani Holy Family A Friendly Visit Madonna and Child The Bird Cage Lady Macbeth Sleepwalking Altar Cross Sandiegocountryestates Mercury and Argos Viviano Codazzi Gueldry Ferdinand-Joseph The Benois Madonna grape life still Juan de Borgona stretch canvas Daydreaming St. Francis in Ecstasy -detail- f Joseph Bidauld Philomenes Recognized by the Old Woman SOMER, Paulus van The Martyrdom of St Andrew g Roman Market Scene f The Rucellai Madonna Benjamin Williams Leader The Little Peasant in Blue Regatta on the Canale Grande -08- Girl with Parasol -Aline Nunes- Gletsch Young boy in the Sun -09- Recreation by our Gallery La Montagne Sainte-Victoire et le Chatea Innocent Love Lajara The Rhinoceros -08- Christ Giving his Blessing The Sense of Taste Field of Snow n.d -nn02- Portrait of Yvonne Landsberg -35- framed wall mirror For Henry Ford Hospital,Frida used the r