Water Mill at Gennep -nn04- Young Man with a Cap -nn04- Paolo and Francesca The Death of a Sister of Charity The Maid of Honor to the Infant Isabella NIEULANDT, Adriaen van Portrait de Georges Clairin Peck Sheldon Mother and Child sg The Holy Family fdg Berdyans'k Kars Clement Drew Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives The Lone Tree Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art Trees in the Garden of Saint-Paul Hospit Heads of the Rebel Beys at the Mosque of MASTER of the Polling Panels chassis Anniston engraved wood frame Interior of the Church sg Sleeping fem Two Peasant Women Digging Potatos -nn04- My Family The Bacino di S Marco on Ascension Day - Star Sonata Allegro Battle Creek Willem Kalf Nude in the bath and small dog Summer -10- A Tree Trunks -17- May Wilson Preston The Woman in White -nn02- Mary Cassatt and her sister at the Louvr Newboston Still Life of Musical Instruments -14- Portrait of the Ottoman sultan Mehmed th Fairy Dance in the Alder Grove -09-