Card framed art poster Garden in Aranjuez Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window Astor Darlington Carousing Couple Portrait of a Lady with a Squirrel and a Assumption Gothic Shengjin The Calling of St Matthew t A Lady Drinking and a Gentleman -detail- Study of a Dog The Paradise dfg Mrs Mary Robinson Hanamaulu life picture still Blessing Christ d George Biggins- Ascent in Lunardi- Ballo Self-Portrait with a Cigarette Rovaniemi Le Chateau Saint-Ange et le Tibre -11- Deborah Kip and her Children Bushes Still Life of Flowers in a Vase on a Mar Portrait of a Woman View of the main apsidal chapel dfg The Shining Stream Eos -25- Westward the Course of Empire Takes its Charlotte Stuart, Viscountess Canning The Fisherman-s House at Varengeville Francois Boucher The Marriage of Strongbow and Aoife Adam and Eve -01- Bathsheba at Her Bath -05- Visitation -detail- sgh Teramo A View of a Mosque at Mounheer Maner