Haymaking Stephen Preaching at Jerusalem -05- Kaik oarsman Arachne -A Sibyl- -df01- Diana and Callisto -01- The Red Tower in Halle -09- Boxholm Robert Dowling 2007 calendar gogh pocket van Henry St Jerome in Penitence nude San Jose Museum of Art christian framed art work Altar of St Louis of Toulouse The Fall of Icarus St Luke Painting the Virgin and Child g Kindred Spirits floor moulding The good Samaritan -33- The Mother wsf La Berceuse -nn04- The Virgin Embracing the Dead Christ Pineville Equestrian Portrait of Dona Maria Teresa Lorri Georges de Feure Ratevo Young Oarsman -42- Breezing up Interior with pink wallpaper II Swinoulscie The Zuiderkerk in Amsterdam Sisak Moenkopi Christ and the Magdalen -17- Famous Persons- Niccolo Acciaiuoli The Holy Family with St Anne Yvonne and Christine Lerolle Playing the Details of The Annuncication