Knife - Grinder -09- Details of Heimsuchung Harrogate Madison Queen Charlotte -25- Apotheosis of St Ursula dfg Gramsh Clown impossible creature cheat Outskirts of Paris -nn04- icon myspace quote The Gigolette with Key Telenesti The Offering Golden Autumn-village and small town Irvine Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear -nn04- Lady Macbeth Jacksonville The Park -20- TENIERS, David the Younger Portrait of Marie Henneberg -20- Racine Salacgriva gamekeeper The Judgement of Paris Goteborg Minerva in her Study -33- Waggoner Sailboats and Estuary Volos Portrait of Jean ER A Country Festival with Soldiers Rejoici Bathing Youths -nn02- Jesus among the Doctors -05- Crucifix Mrs A.P.Henderson -41- Horley Portrait of Lina Kirchdorffer The Martyrdom of St John the Evangelist