Birds and a Spaniel in a Garden sf Holycross Newman, Willie Betty Jar of Peaches Haxtun Carei La Ghirlandate -28- Pollard, James Kolasin Portrait of Milliet ,Second Lieutnant of wood sculpture Count Robert de Montesquiou Mountplymouth COLLINO, Filippo Chinar The So called Polish Rider Beachpark Silverton The Holy Family x Kingsport Kissing the Earth Crucifix with the Virgin -05- Northern Ireland Saint Francis of Assisi Renouncing his E Grady van gogh quote The Coronation of Queen Victoria -25- The Banquet of Herod -05- The People of Venice Raise the Tricolor Cows in the Water Altarpiece of the Lamentation -detail- f Andries van der Horn 2006 miss photo world Fishing Boats at Sea Gladstone Epiphany df Skeletons Fighting for the Body of a Han El Lissitzky Officer of the Marksman Society in Leide Waynetown