Spring Landscape Broadlands jean Drawing animal reproduction Christ-s Entrane into Jerusalem On the Outskirs of Paris -nn04- The Toilette of Venus Twilight, Short arbiter twixt day and ni Zephyrhillssouth Christ and the Penitent -01- Last Supper Transfiguration,wtih St jerome and St Au Floral and Vegetal Motifs Portrait of Pere Tanguy -nn04- Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld The Wire-drawing Mill Liegende Frau -12- Loomis San Sebastiano The King Drinks sf The Virgin and the Child with Two Saints Diomede The Cross,Eastgate,Chester Nicolas Froment Stebbins Maino, Juan Bautista del Joseph clark The toilet Mineralsprings Vive Priape Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Homegardens St Onuphrius sdgs effigy holden Kirkstall Abbey,Yorkshire-Evening -47- Banquet Scene in a Renaissance Hall Landscape in Suffolk sdg Jean Broc Portrait of Pere Tanguy -nn04- Glennallen