The Spain Gril The Drawing -01- Frans van Mieris -30- art on canvas Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows2 Officer of the Imperial Guard Stories of Lucretia -36- Moses Defending the Daughters of Jethro Bryant feminine from impressionism in modern my painting in oil Sunset Gudaut'a Huntertown JONES, Thomas Varde Neskaupstadhur Antonio Carnicero Two Person Dinghy The Pineapple -35- Die Erschaffung der Eva Walters Art Gallery,Baltimore Portrait of Hieronymus Holzschuher -08- Indians Travelling near Fort Laramie Celebrating the Birth Interior of an English Cottage -25- painting stretcher Tired Minstrels -37- The Artist-s Studio zga CAJES, Eugenio Discovery of the body of Holofernes Dr Horatio Wood The Voice of Evil The Martyrdom of St Peter jg The Martyrdom of St.Andrew Cazin Jean-Charles The Church Militant and Triumphant -deta Vue de Riva -11- Daydreaming Small Triptych ssf