Jephthah-s Sacrifice Place du Theatre Francais in Paris Bowlinggreen Mary Logan Henderson Vrbas Mount Ktaadn The Burial of St Cecily dfs Cornelius Krieghoff Aluksne The Piazza San Marco towards the Basilic The Peaceable Kingdom -nn03- MAITANI, Lorenzo Tiger Attacking a Bull Diana -46- Pieta Tightrope Walker Reverend Jonas Coe icon com polystyrene George Morland Orangevale Choose Arbitrarily The Grand Canal Seen from Rialto toward St Helens Olympia Datail of The femish Bride -33- Ratcliff Portrait of Maria Louisa de Tassis Pitea -08- Balloon Ascent at Aranjuez Overgrown Pond Dance to the Music of Time asfg The Land of Cockayne g Jeunes Femmes Regardant Des Objets Japon Paul Troger Bukovic Detail of The Adoration of the Shepherds Lilla Cabot Perry The Temptation of St. Anthony Orpheus Laments -19-