Union Square in Spring Fisherwoman of Granville Pygmalion and Galatea Printemps a Giverny Landscape,Ruins and Figure Brooklyn Bridge The Old Mill Leeds Santa Coloma Girolamo Induno St Gregory and St Jerome Wore a Monocle-s Woman Meeting of the Betrothed Couple and the Madonna and Child Enclosed Field With Ploughman Study for City Foresthill Self-Portrait with his Wife,Isabella Bra Yerevan Penelope and the Suitors Vassily Kandinsky Place Clichy Children Sat Down in the House Door L-enfant au chapeau haut de forme -11- Idyllwild-pinecove Boy with a Basket of Fruit -detail- fg Vinnytsya Christ Mocked -detail- s anime image Evening on karl johan sireet Lamoille Self-Portrait in Fromt of thte Easel -nn Crystalriver Nyborg Sheaf of Grain -34- Bacchus and Adriadne The Martyrdom of St Stephen Angeghakot' Portrait of the Artist with a Friend -05 how to make a wood picture frame