National Museums Liverpool Mezzetin The Martyrdom of St Sebastian af Delaplaine Slate Quarries Portrait of Isabella Stewart Gardner Prince Carol Visiting the Turkish Prison mirror mirror wall Portrait of Jacopo Strada wa r Portrait of the Artist-s Wife Bildnis einer vornehmen jungen Frau Mr and Mrs Andrews -nn03- Autumn fdfh The Old Cremona Storm in the Rocky Mountains, Mt Rosalie Nude on a Cushion Dom Cesare Benvenuti Abbot of the Congre The Colossus or Panic Past and Present Westsalem The Pig Market,Bedford with a View of St IN fOSSET.a Path The Triumph of Faith fs Still Life with Fruit The Dream of the Patrician paypal Charles james lewis Two Milliners Rue du Caire -09- Antonio and Piero del Pollaiolo Martyrdo Saint Cecilia and the Angel sd The Death of Chatterton Christ before Pilate af The Singing Lesson Self-Portrait Dedicated to Sigmund Fires Mary von Stuck in a Red Armchair View of Delft Mother and Child vgvgv Niccolo Cassana Nevada Louis Comfort Tiffany