Near Lake Placid, Andirondack Mountains, Woman Holding a Child in her Lap Augusta Portrait of Eleonora Gonzaga della Rover Venus and Cupid Carrying a Honeycomb passport photo RUYSDAEL, Salomon van Head of a Woman with her Hair Loose -nn0 Le Depart du Qua drille au Moulin Rouge Apples on the Table against a Green Back Templecity Mura, Francesco de The orchard at Maubuissson,Pontoise Le v The Doge Takes Part in the Festivities i Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta Meadowbrook GIOVANNI DA MILANO Framemica Jeffersonville ambulance stretcher Samuel Owen Samuel Gros-s Operation of Clinical Altasierra The Empress Eugenie a la Marie-Antoinett Napoleon on the Battlefield at Eylau -09 Kankakee Greenacres Card jbl creature speaker Landscape with the Finding of Moses An October Day Hagar and Ismael in the Widerness Cureof a Lunatic by the Patriarch of Gra Portrait of a Lady in Blue 5 Early Morning Carcass of Beef The Martelaarsgracht in Amsterdam St Sebastian Women herb gathering from Work in the fi Bathsheba