Balatina Reclining Nude with Loose Hair -39- Port Scene with the Departure of Ulysses Rainbow Pheonix Waterfall The Peacemakers The Annunciation -26- Knights Before a Charcoal Burner-s Hut Two Men at a Table Amorous India-s Woman THe Bermuda Group Creppe Portrait d-une jeune Nord-Africaine -32- St. Albans Le Moulin de la Galette -nn04- A Woman Having her Hair Combed Midvale The Cannon Shot Craigmont Wamac Jenkinsburg A Village Celebration The Extraction of Tooth fg Newcastle The Archangel Leaving the Family of Tobi Madam Pompadour Beachpark The Duc de Berry between his Patron Sain strips Interieur de cuisine Moundcity Burning of the Heretics -Auto-da-fe- The Art of Painting -detail- est Muscoy Daniel Crommelin Verplanck Ladd Portrait of an Old Man with Book g Woodcutter -34- Midsummer Dance -nn02- Pompeius Occo Columbusjunction