Lynnhaven Deserthills The man stand on the terrace Charles I- King of England at the Hunt d Belleisle St.George and the Dragon Hercules The Miracle of St Mark Freeing the Slave Cale MAITANI, Lorenzo Portrait of the Postman joseph Roulin -n Leonardo Da Vinci Christ on the Cross The Apparition of St. Michael The Wine Trick of Parson Arlotto Portrait of Miss Van Der Hecht The Herring Net -44- Inspiration of the Poet Procession in Piazza San Marco Sultan Muhmud of Ghazni depicted as a yo TISCHBEIN, Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Jetty At Trouville The Night Bonegap Angels Worshipping 22 Missionviejo Frans van Mieris -30- The Three Ages of Man Tribute Money CHRISTUS, Petrus Rest on the Flight into Egypt -17- Madison Jeanne Hebuterne -38- Lady Violet Henderson oval frames Fivepoints Street in Spring The Triumph of Aurelian Earle A Capricious Woman