Prosper Tillier Portrait of Savva Mamontov Cumaean Sibyl Coming from Evening Church Wheat Fields Camille Monet The Painter-s Honeymoon Innocent Love The Gorge at Appledore Elisabeth LouiseVigee Lebrun Antichus and Stratonice -05- Notre-Dame Autumn The Wetterhorn with the Reichenbachtal Portrait of a Young Man Holding a Glove The female augur Flood Waters Fire-s On The Calling of St Matthew r Tull Andermatt Madonna and child or Madonna of the book paris street Sevan Blythe David Gilmour hurley stretcher Apples and Oranges Madonna in Glory with SS.John the Baptis Golden noblewoman are painting Fetes Venetiennes -08- Portrait of Rosalba Peale Reclining Gril A boat passing a lock OOSTERWIJK, Maria van The Mink Pond Portrait of Giuliano de-Medici -36- Burbank Dance Myself Landscape Portrait