Narcissus Nilwood The Rispal Restaurant at Asnieres -nn040 The Angel Appears to Tobias df Warrior John the Evangelist on Patmos Domenico Ghirlandaio,Stories of St John bazille frederic impressionism prophet Portrait of Mrs. Hastings Voice of the Hills -43- Money-Changer and his Wife The Poet, Alexander Pushkin The Bathers Dante and Virgil in Hel -The Barque of D Royal BC Museum Candler-mcafee Frances Howard, Countess of Somerset and Odessa Madame Crozat The Annunciation Crow Camp at Wyola Moulin Huet Bay, Guernsey Francis Towne The Little Street -detail- etr The Hight Priest Coresus Sacrifices Hims Coalcity Delmonteforest Innsbruck Floes at Bennecourt Madonna in Glory Impression of Harbor Jacopo Di Cione January qwr Meansville Self-Portrait with Model -nn02- Tree and Man-in Front of the Asylum of S Deposition Diptych Kingsport Bather impossible creature