Perseus and Andromeda The School Master Logano William IV Greenhouse Au Bord de l-Eau Northedwards Rest on the Flight to Egypt ag Admiral Alexander Hood_a Details of Christ appearing to Mary Magd painting in fresco Arizona Still Life with Daffodils -18- The Dance of the Almeh The Cumaean Sibyl Fruit The Intruders Self-Portrait with Fur Coat The Annunciation Resurrection of Christ 668 art chicago impressionism impressionism The Music-Makers ag In Mourning Hercules and Omphale -08- Isabella and the Pot of Basil Vase of Daisies, Marguerites and Anemone Pisan Girl with Basket of Oranges and Le Palazzo Contarini animal attack The Cart Snow-Covered Road at Honfleur Woman of Cairo at her Door keyable The Duke of Infantado Cherokee Maria Baroncelli with Her Daughter Woman in Red Jeanne-Marguerite Lecadre in the Garden Monet Claude Oscar Hofdhakaupstadhur The Voyage of Life- Youth