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Portrait of Elsbeth Tucher Ballsh Sixtus II with his Nephews and his Libra Pratt, Matthew coping crown moulding Details of Madonna and child,with sts.la figure types Interio of the Restaurant Carrel in Arle Fellsmere framed paintings Gassed The Young Draftsman Score The Shell -26- Iuka Balaam-s Ass Le Gouter Agsu A Musical Party Psyche Honoured by the People fj Drochia Madonna in Majesty Rosamond The Painter-s Studio A Real Allegory mediterranean The Martydom of St.Bartholomew Ehrenbreitstein and Koblenz from the hei Interior of a Peasant-s Cottage -25 Pabrade Old Woman Cooking Eggs MENGS, Anton Raphael Woman and Child in an Interior Southaugusta Deltajunction Fusselscorner Pavel Filonov Gustave Boulanger,The Rehearsal in the H creature from krab krusty spongebob squa The Virtues of Good Government -39- Anna Althea Hills