Christ on the Cross L-amazone a cheval -40- are wushipu xiamen Coulterville Salute of the Robe Trade Famous Persons- Pippo Spano Hiram The Procession to Calvary Rezina art impressionism in modern movement pos Agatha Bas preppy icon Villa Medici in Rome -Pavilion of Ariadn The Valley of the Stour at Sunset 31 Oct Flowers and Fruit on a Table Old Mill,Near Winchester -46- Boyntonbeach Girl at Ironing Board LICINIO, Bernardino Savanna Windmill, Dangast Portrait of a Young Man Girl Interrupted at Her Music r Pennington Aalst Study for The Cross and the World-The Pi Portrait of a Woman dfhkg Chamblee Temptation on the Mount Scene from a Comedy Madame de Loynes Italian Landscape with a Bridge The Studio view The Ghent Altar View on Schoharie The Cross on the Mountain Feathersound The Comtesse d'Haussonville Sunlight and Shadow Sunset at the Lake of Geneva -nn02