Elkhart The Woodcutter-s Daughter The Artiest in his Studio -33- Maxfield Parrish Alfred Elmore Morning in the Riesengebirge -10- Warwick Castle- the East Front df Apprentices Pulling a Water Barrel Kalundborg Malle Babbe sf Francois Lemoine Ralph Blakelock canvas portraits Figure Grand Manan Island Bay of Fundy A Lady and Two Gentlemen t Wall painting from the House of Julia Fe Fruitvale The Artist-s Studio zga Wooden Stretcher The Tribute Money Black Figure Portrait of Denis Diderot Dead Sea extreme stretched pussy Voltigeurc -Winner of the Great Matchrac A Seaport National Museum of American History Landscape of snow Holy Family Baby Reaching for an Apple The Education of Cupid Edward VI Snowy Landscape with Arles in the Backgr Figures outside a roadside inn -47- Daytonabeachshores Boy with a Flask and Cabbages Healing of the Cripple and Raising of Ta street venice Fen six -33-