Mangoniapark Paysage avec Paris et Oenone,dit Le gue The Dancer Barbara Campanini beyond degas impressionism A Gypsy Leopold I, King of the Belgians The Greasy Pole -La Cucana- Madonna and Child -36- Epes Sargent In the Pergola college diploma frame Head of a Peasant Woman with White Cap - Bacchanal before a Statue of Pan zg Old Woman Cooking Eggs The Finding of Moses Ridgewoodheights glass Aeneas with the Sybil - Charon Painting doll icon Figure Sala di Clement VII Hanoverpark Count G I Chernyshev Holding a Mask -05- Bestatigung der Ordensregel der Franzisk Woffordheights The Operation -08- A Poor dervish deserves,through his wisd Laboucherebay Fiorentino Vetheuil in winter The Infant Jesus Distributing Bread to P The Washerwomen Abraham-s Servant with Rebecca Knostrop Hall, Early Morning Judith with the Head of Holofernes -08- John William Waterhouse Virgin and Child The Fortune Teller engraved wood frame