Universal Judgment Pupukea The Creation of Adam Mbarka -32- The Expulsion from the Garden of Eden Queen Christina of Sweden Bluffs Still life and watermelon San Cristoforo On the March designer Tower at the Road F Angel Striking Zacharlas dumb Kitchen Garden with Trees in Flower, Pon Supper at the House of Burgomaster Rocko funny icon Recreation by our Gallery Peupliers an Bourd de l-Epte Enfield Head of a Prophet -Fragment of a Lost Al The Granduca Madonna at Madonna and Child with SS.Francis,Charle Woman in Blue Reading a Letter ng Masek, Vitezlav Karel Thisbe Algonquin Place de la Concorde The Presentaion in the Temple The Embarkation for Cythera -05- foot stretcher Pergola at Samarkand Hotel,Santa Barbara Entry of Charles VIII into Florence Staugustinebeach Allegory of Abundance Stoning of St.Stephen 1890 Musee d-Orsay, Paris Recreation by our Gallery Bolzano Mezzetin22 Tollette