Burne-Jones, Sir Edward Coley Pierre-Henri Renoir or the Artist-s brot Francesco Bassano the younger Le Repas chez Simon le Pharisien Christ in the Garden The Women at the Se Prints Romans Feasting View of Mount Katahdin Bradbury Water-Lilies The Windmilll on the Heath -37- Oracle The Bathers Cantoria gfh Figures outside a roadside inn -47- The Immaculate Conception The Last Judgment Allegory of Happiness sdf Frans Floris de Vriendt Et in Arcadia Ego Alexis The Jewish Bride Charles rowbotham Nis Self-Portrait Walter Withers Portrait of a man trimming his quill -33 The Night Cafe in the Place Lamartine in Bernadino Luini The Judgment of Paris_6 ALBOTTO Francesco Four denizen in Mexico Landscape with Psyche at the Palace of C Landscape with Birds -08- The Fligbt into Egypt -01- Morges Bouquet of Flowers The Weding of St George and the Princess St John the Evangelist. Comtesse de la Chatre