The Wife of Joachim Ulrich Giese Girl Blowing Soap Bubbles The Catapult Banka Study for The Cross and the World-The Pi Martyrdom of Sts Seconda and Rufina dsh Francesco del Cossa Sunset at Sea The Beach at Fecamp -09- Sillamae Moffat Delaware The Prato Master,St Stephen Preaching to art sun tzu war Die Erschaffung der Eva The Young Beggar -05- Crusaders Thirsting near Jerusalem Mararetha de Geer -33- The Holy Family with the Young St.John t Henry Burn How They Met Themselves Stjohns Autumn Enfant avec Echarpe Rouge Francesco Morandini Da Poppi The Pic-Nic -13- The Limekiln Dweller in the Innermost Vandenbergvillage The Adoration of the Magi custom A New Light in the Harem -32- Prince Humay before thee Palace of Princ apples life still Esther and Haman before Ahasuerus er The Sheep Shearing White and yellow chrysanthemum rThe Young Singer -05- Duneacres Johann kupetzky