Christoph jacobsz.van der Lamen Madwoman oil painting supplies Loggia dfg Presentation in the Temple fh The Concert ar Quaratesi Altarpiece- St. Nicholas saves Flowers q5 A vision of saint anthony of padua Stevenson Day of the Gods -07- The Bridge of Maincy near Melun The Virgin and Child Surrounded -05- St Benno St. Agnes A Flute Concert of Frederick the Great a Self-Portrait with Hourglass The Skate William henry millair Woman with Coffee Pot Pallas and the Centaur King Cophetua and the Beggarmaid Madame Henriette Henriot Abstract Villa R Alkmaar Odalisque -05- Stonyriver Gretna Robert,Comte de montesquiouiou-Fezensac Kahlo and Caesarean operation Sananselmo Helen of Troy Smokers and Drinkers Ekaterina Avdulina The Doge in the Bucentaur at San Nicolo Pontormo, Jacopo Charles Turner The Marquise de Pompadour Gherardo Starnina