The Sacrifice of Isaac The Descent from the Cross The King-s Audience Chamber -25- The Knight the Young Girl and Death -05- Vera Cruz Harbor, Mexico Axel Haig Jeune fille assise -38- art fine supply The Adoration of the Magi_3 Portrait of a Man gfh The Music Party Still Life with Mushrooms and Butterflie wushipu Portrait of Mary Radclyffe Drinking Bacchus sty La Parade The Marriage of Constantine -27- art art fine The Great Upheaval Taufe Christi Il Molo e la Piazzetta -21- The Taylor sg Westminster Eucharist in a Fruit Wreath Fisher Girls on the Beach -46- Decorative Mirror Self-Portrait de35 creature of rokugan Marius at Minturnae Sawmill Thomasboro The Shipwrech Poppies Tobias and the Angel sf The Judgement of Paris Night 7 Scranton Self Portrait 1 William Details of The Death of Hyacinthus