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Keoben Woman with Plant Reclining Nude on a Red Couch -39- Montpelkier Bruges Peachorchard The Artist and his Wife in a Honeysuckle The Mother Past and Present No 3 Skating by the Mill Baldassare Castiglione -45- metal framed awning The Burial of Atala St.Catherine of Alexandria Fortmyersbeach Ambrois Vollard St Jerome in His Study -08- Paying Homage to the Teacher on a Holida art chinese Godoy Presenting Peace to Charles IV The Lesson Port Tyndallafb Saint catherine Cecelia Beaux Landscape with Windmill,Figures and Catt mirror sunday The School of Athens -08- Avoca Dance Cove Dunfermline Valandovo Johann Joachim Winckelmann League of Nations The Harvest of the World The Adoration of the Magi Francisco Geburt Marias 1909