Sir William Orpen Mountains -34- Esbjerg Details of Central Park Laurent de la Hyre The Battle of Britain Hollywood The Magpie Paris Interior Centuryvillage MIJN, George van der photo shop elements The Last Judgement -detail of the Apostl The Five Eldest Children of Charles I -2 San Remo Pitahayas VOUET, Simon georgia scenery Aeneas and Achates on the Libyan Coast d Madonna with the Child -Madonna with the St Augustine in his Study Fredegonda and Galswintha AD 566 -23- Design Och'amch'ire travel John H F Bacon The Portinari Triptych Albert Cahen d-Anvers Piazza San Marco- Looking North Robert Hills Edward Robert Hughes as a Child Bestatigung der Ordensregel der Franzisk The Copper Urn -05- Portrait d-une dame -df02- The Seven Acts of Mercy dh Still Life with a Gilt Goblet Happy Day-The Dance of Albion -19- The Infanta Margarita-p John Alonzo Williams In the Shade